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Historical Event on 2/6/1887

Manabendra Nath Roy (his childhood name was Narendranath Bhattacharya), leftist thinker, great Indian politician and philosophist, was born at Arbelia village of 24-Parganas of West Bengal. He was the founder of 'Radical Democratic Party' after quitting Congress during World War II.

Other Historical Dates and Events
2/6/1887The Sultan, losing his hold over the army and some members of his aristocracy, very wisely abdicated in favour of his brother Ahmad, who is famous in Deccan history as Ahmad Shah Wali.
8/22/1933Inhabitants of Partabgarh face starvation as Opium was now outlawed. They had been living from the sale of opium for the past 800 years.
3/25/1928S. R. Kulkarni, leader of dock workers, was born.
10/5/1989Dalai Lama was honoured with the Nobel Peace Prize (1989).
6/27/1964Teen Murti Bhavan, official residence of the Prime Minister of India, became the Nehru Memorial Museum.
6/22/1993The centre bans the use of 12 pesticides.
9/21/1954Last Indian troops withdraw from Tibet.
10/19/1925B. Shankaranand, former central minister, was born.
1/25/1917Captain P.K. Sahgal, freedom fighter who attended Indian Military Academy course at Dehradun, was born at Hoshiarpur.
1/15/1921Babasaheb Anantrao Bhosle, eighth Chief Minister of Maharashtra, was born.